Become a Member

GCC Association of Immunology and Rheumatology is a non-profit medical association established in 2021, advance research and training to improve the health of people with rheumatic and related diseases and enhance research environment. GCC AIR is focused on building a research capacity among the rheumatologists, immunologist and other specialties related to musculoskeletal and rheumatology diseases.

GCC AIR also emphasizes the collaboration across specialties and care settings to ensure quality patient care.

A GCC AIR membership gives you access to a comprehensive platform which focuses on providing high-quality educational activities, self-directed learning modules, and assessment tools pertinent to all aspects of rheumatic disorders and treatment, with the overall goal of advancing physician competence, enhancing practice performance, promoting patient safety, and, where possible, improving patient outcomes.

Joining us is FREE. Don’t miss this opportunity to advance your medical education, obtain invaluable career training and make memorable connections!

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